martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020

コドモドラゴン Codomo Dragon: Information about "Worst" Best Album

 Information in english about Worst album

It will be a compilation of the best songs by Codomo Dragon, presented in two formats:

Limited edition: it will be sold in the BP Records store (being outside of Japan, at the moment, we don't have access to purchase it).

The price is 11,000 yen (about € 85) and consists of two CD2 + DVD + 52-page Book.

The CDs have the following songs:

CD1: 01. 平 成 マ キ シ マ ナ ン バ ー (hexei maxima) 02.LETHE. (Reissued) 03.naked (reissued) 04.RIGHT EVIL 05.NEPENTHES. 06. チ ル ド レ ン ズ ド ー プ (children's Dope) 07. 【VIper】 08.SODOM 09.WARUAGAKI 10. ア リ ア (Aria, reissued) 11. ク ロ ト ア カ (Kurotoaka) 12.HEMLOCK

CD2: 1.WOLFMAN 2. こ の 世界 は 終 わ り だ。 (konosekaihaowarida) 3. 毒虫 (Dokumushi) 4.DIRTY × DIRTY (reissued) 5. 脳 壊 ス。 (nokawasu) 6. 棘 (toge) 7. 想 葬 ( sousou) 8.DOUBT 9. ア ノ ニ マ ス (annonymous) 10.PEST 11.KARISUMA 12. song pending definition.

The DVD consists of the following video clips: 01.RIGHT EVIL 02.NEPENTHES. 03. チ ル ド レ ン ズ ド ー プ (Children's dope) 04. 【VIper】 05.SODOM 06.WARUAGAKI 07. ア リ ア (Aria) 08. ク ロ ト ア カ (kurotoaka) 09.HEMLOCK 10.WOLFMAN 11. こ 終 は kida 12 . 毒虫 (dokumushi) 13.DIRTY × DIRTY 14. 脳 壊 ス。 (nokawasu) 15. 棘 (toge) 16. 想 葬 (sousou) 17.DOUBT 18. ア ノ ニ マ ス (annonymous) 19.PEST 20.KARISUMA

The regular edition consists of 2 CDs + 32-page book. Its price will be 3,500 yen (about € 35) and will be sold in stores. (I don't know if it will be sold in online stores, as soon as I know it, I'll tell you)

The limited edition will go on sale from today November 17th to December 8th at 11:59 p.m.

The regular edition will go on sale on February 3rd of 2021

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