viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

コドモドラゴン 11-05-16 Ttori, Yonago AZETIC laughs

(Ryoga, Roy & Rio-Londboy)



El maquillaje de Codomo Dragon del concierto del día 11 de Mayo en Ttori, Yonago AZETIC laughs, está inspirado en el anime "GeGeGe no Kitaro" manga "Hakaba Kitarō". Es una historia de folclore japonés donde el mangaka Shigeru Mizuki donde nos presenta una serie de youkai o espíritus monstruo japoneses. Ellos usaron el de el youkai Kitaro.

The makeup from Codomo Dragon in their last concert at Ttori, Yonago AZETIC laughs was inspired by the manga known as "GeGeGe no Kitarō" manga "Hakaba Kitarō" from the mangaka Shigeru Mizuki. It is best known for its popularization of the folklore creatures known as yōkai, a class of spirit-monster. They used the one from Kitaro.

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